Challenges in video game localization: An integrated perspective (3-25)
Dawid Czech
Incommensurability of discourses in professional medical communication (26-49)
Magdalena Murawska
The statistical assessment of the source and target domains similarity (50-69)
Jacek Woźny
Literature Section
Jeanette Winterson’s Art and Lies: A Contrapuntal Piece for Three Voices and their Readers/Listeners (70-91)
Henda Ammar Guiral
Thomas MacGreev’s „Gloria de Carlos V” In-between poetry and art (92-104)
Wacław Grzybowski
Dickens and Margolyes in America (105-124)
Agnieszka Kaczmarek
Wit Pietrzak
Jane Campion’s The Piano; or breaking Prospero’s spells (145-169)
Tomasz Pilch
Book Reviews
Agnieszka Setecka. 2013. Vanishing realities: Social significance of mateiral culture in Victorian novelistic discourse (170-173)
reviewed by Marlena Marciniak
Jerzy Jarniewicz. 2013. Ekphrasis in the poetry of Derek Mahon (174-178)
reviewed by Wit Pietrzak
Adam Głaz. 2012. Extended Vantage Theory in Linguistic Application. The Case of the English Articles (179-183)
reviewed by Przemysław Wilk